Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Life Can Be Tough. You Must Be Tougher.

"I know you'd agree that life can be tough, and oftentimes we discover that we don't know our way around or through a problem. Life happens, and along with it unexpected issues, situations and crisis can throw you off balance, off course, and sometimes out of the ballgame altogether. It happens to the best of us. Fortunately, there are remedies that can help. I've produced and co-authored an amazing CD, "8 Principles For Positive Thinking" that offers empowering and enlightening insights that will impact your view of life, and how we handle difficult and challenging circumstances. I share both common and uncommon sense concepts that I've used to get through some of the most gut-wrenching challenges in my life, including the untimely loss of my beautiful four year-old twin daughter who died in a tragic car accident. You'll learn stimulating thinking skills from the faith and the fortitude I developed through that tough period in my life, as well as many other positive thinking tools that give strength and wisdom for everyday living. "8 PRINCIPLES FOR POSITIVE THINKING" will inspire and encourage you to be a strong, positive thinker and motivate you to live your life more deliberately, confidently and courageously. I've learned that life can be tough, and I am committed to mastering the skills that it takes to be a tough thinker. You can, too."
- Silver Rae Fox

"8 PRINCIPLES FOR POSITIVE THINKING" is a sensible and sensitive, yet powerful perspective on life and how we handle it. It will RENEW and INVIGORATE your heart, mind and attitude! No "secret" formulas for success, no hard-to-understand, unrealistic approaches to happiness. You'll get 60 minutes of solid, smart, tough-minded thinking skills that can improve your life! And, it's EASY and AFFORDABLE!

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  • How "The Business of Thinking" will help you GET CONTROL of problems by overreacting LESS and THINKING MORE.
  • How to GET FREE from "Bondage - Self Induced" situations by CHOOSING to SET YOURSELF FREE.
  • "How To Get Over" and through difficult circumstances with POSITIVE THOUGHTS and ACTIONS.
  • The IMPORTANCE of "Doing Time" PRODUCTIVELY and PATIENTLY during the course of major life changes.
  • How to "Commit To Joy" and live fully every day.
  • "Where To Go To Get What You Need" by focusing on RESOURCES and RELATIONSHIPS that ADD STRENGTH to your life.
  • How "We Do Our Truth" by gaining a GREATER UNDERSTANDING of ourselves and our actions.
  • How to BOOST your self-esteem by CONTINUALLY "Working Overtime" at developing a CONSISTENT POSITIVE MINDSET.
Order your MP3, IPod, Itunes or Windows Media Player DOWNLOAD NOW!

"8 PRINCIPLES FOR POSITIVE THINKING" will help you develop the skills of a proactive and positive thinker! Don't allow life's difficulties and challenges to get you down and cause you to sink into valleys of despair and discouragement. Don't let the pain of loss, break-ups, financial disaster, pitfalls and uncertainly let you sink into depression and keep you there. Life can be tough. You MUST get tougher. It requires TOUGH THINKING. If you could CHANGE THINGS by CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK, you'd do it wouldn't you? Then why SINK when you can SOAR?!!! Get your download today!

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