Friday, July 15, 2016


Say "Bye" to Negative Thinking!

Negative thinking is a destroyer of hopes, dreams and aspirations. If you are among the many of us who feel like a plan or two got thwarted, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You leaped, but didn't land quite where you thought you would. It wasn't because you didn't do everything right, it was because of all the stuff that happened that made you THINK you didn't. That is what negative thinking does. It blinds you to the truth.

Well, what is the truth? I am so glad you asked! It's not new news, but let's cover some highlights anyway:

1.  The same faith that created the vision is the same faith that will help you get back on the right track. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Polish up your faith. It ain't over. You may have to start again, and again. Don't let even one negative thought tell you that you can't. You can!

2.  You have run out of resources, you say? If I were to tell you how may times I had to create "something from nothing", you would say "Lord, Jesus! What manner of faith is that?!" It's the kind of faith that says I have God and all of the wherewithal inside me to press and pursue. Somehow, little by little it comes together again. When you allow negative thinking to convince you that you are down for the count, that you got the "knock-out punch", you will lose. However, if you know there is a winner in you, a true champion, you get back up. You may lose that fight, but you always get back in the ring ready for the next one.

3.  When crappy stuff happens, negative thinking will make you belittle and blame yourself for everything. Certainly it is smart to analyze mistakes and poor strategies, but all of us
experience crazy stuff. When those ugly thoughts start to bombard or block you, throw up your defenses. Say "bye" to them. Even if you don't know what to do next yet, start combating every one of them by kicking them out. Emphatically declare "Bye!" When you show them the exit, the entrance to a new train of thought opens up for you. When it does, you are back in the game.

Regardless of what those negative thoughts try to tell you, you can and will succeed. You can believe that. It's the truth and nothing but the truth.


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