Have you ever given much thought to a "wrap up" of your thinking, too? Are there any particular mindsets that have gotten in the way of those plans and resolutions you made for 2024? How many things did you actually accomplish that you thought you would? How many things you said you would achieve actually got put on the back burner, AGAIN? How many reminders did you give yourself about your goals, and you still didn't get to "lift off" with them?
It happens, to most of us. However, one of the best decisions we can make around this time is to be a GOAL-er. I recently shared a thought with someone who told me about six or seven things she was getting ready to do. All, of which, were great ideas and goals. Here's the thing: it can, and will, take strategic thinking and effort to reach goals, even the small ones. They don't just happen. I told her to "compartmentalize" each thing. Then, prioritize their their significance for achieving them. Are some for now? Next month? Next year? The next five years? Thinking in this way will help you actually wrap up those goals in a happy way, in happy timing, and at a truly beautiful time you'll reach your finish lines.
So, indeed, out with the old way of goal-setting with no real strategies. Set yourself up for success with realistic, satisfying, attainable results, on nobody else's time or timeline other than your own. Wrap up the year with commitment and confidence that you will see things to their complete fruition. Do it, and I guarantee you'll see yourself saying "that's a wrap" time and time again. That's a promise. ~ S.R.F.
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